Accessibility Statement

The website is partially compliant with the Act on Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications due to the exceptions listed below.

To ensure accessibility, some adjustments have been systematically implemented on the website

  • Responsive design (adapting the layout of content to screen resolution),
  • Keyboard navigation (for users who cannot use a mouse),
  • Expected website operation,
  • Provision of alternative text for images,
  • Use of various heading levels,
  • Customization of content display through the UserWay tool.Level of Compliance

The website is partially compliant with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act due to the exceptions listed below.

Inaccessible Content

Spletna stran je delno skladno z Zakonom o dostopnosti spletišč in mobilnih aplikacij zaradi spodaj navedenih izjem.

Unavailable content

We continuously monitor and enhance individual elements of website accessibility. However, due to the disproportionate burden, some content does not fully comply with all legal accessibility requirements:

  • Some videos lack subtitles and control navigation is not optimized as it depends on an external service.
  • Elements without appropriate color contrast.
  • Certain elements lack descriptive text.
  • Forms are not fully optimized due to current technical limitations.

Notification about presumed inaccessible content and/or requests for information regarding inaccessible content can be sent to us by regular or electronic mail at:

Levstikova ulica 1
6310 Izola-Isola

You will receive a response within eight days of receiving the notification or request. If we are unable to provide an adequate response within this period, we will inform you of the timeline and reasons for the delay in our response.

Preparation of the accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 11 January 2024 based on a self-assessment. The statement was last reviewed on January 15, 2024.

Enforcement proceedings

Preparation of Accessibility Statement

This statement was prepared on January 11th, 2024, based on self-assessment. The statement was last reviewed on January 15th, 2024.

Enforcement Procedure

Suppose you identify non-compliance with the provisions of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act. In that case, you can submit a complaint to the inspectors for the information society via regular or electronic mail at the following address:

Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Information Society
Ministry of Digital Transformation
Davčna ulica 1
1000 Ljubljana

Phone: 01 555 58 48